Hundredthausands of Congolese flee from the war in the worldregion with the most resources like Coltan for handies – International companies have been many times accused, that they are profiting and financing the wars in Congo – Why do the Main-stream media not report, the suffering of the people is not less then in Syria? But the interests in these conflicts are different!

Fresh fighting has forced thousands to flee their homes in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Refugees were heading towards the capital Kinshasa, as Congolese rebels traded fire with government forces around Kibumba and Rugari to the east.

UN soldiers were seen heading in the direction of the clashes, though it is not clear if they were taking part.

One refugee spoke of the chaos as he fled: “There was lots of shooting in Rugari in the bush and we saw a lot of people fleeing as well as soldiers searching for them, and that’s how we ran away.”

Many have taken refuge in Uganda where the World Food Programme reports 30,000 have arrived this year alone.

The UN’s Humanitarian Agency says the fighting has displaced 220,000 and is making aid operations extremely difficult.

Rwanda has also received refugees, but relations with the DRC remain tense. UN experts have accused Kigali of supporting the rebel group M23 leading the US to cut military aid to the nation.

Leaders from Africa’s Great Lakes Region plan to send a ‘neutral force’ to calm the violence. Uganda has said it will host a summit in early August to discuss the ongoing crisisFleeing from the war in Congo

About ottwf

The capitalistic and imperialistic system and its systematic aims: profit and power over others, still dominates our world and not the aims of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as 1948 agreed! After the world-economic-crisis after 1929 and the following World-War the world hat decided with agreeing the Universal Declaration of Human rights, to create a new world order; conflicts should be solved with peaceful means, not nations and their power, but the dignity of human beings around the world should be the aim of the policies and the economy, of every state and the community of states. But soon after the end of the war, when the victims and destruction were forgotten, all continued as before, with all risks, we had seen before. The split in rich an poor is getting bigger and bigger. We also overuse our global environment already, even if the big majority of mankind still lives in poverty! We are not victims, this world is men-made and be changed from men and women! It will be possible, if those, who do not want or serve (because of system-pressure) profits first, but want for themselves and everybody a life in human dignity unite and develop in a global base-democratic movement a common vision for our world, and learn, how to make this vision real. We need for it a big empowerment of many, many common men and women and their activities. Our chances are because of new communication technologies, of common languages, of the level of education and the mixture of people from different backgrounds better then ever. The occupy-movement is a good start for such a global movement. We support it and try to contribute to its success! We choose news and make comments and so try to unite people for an Occupy-Think-Tank: Its tasks: creating a news-network, self-education, working on global-reform programs and learning to organize projects for those, who are suffering. Join us, so that we can build teams for these aims for all subjects and countries as a base for the unification. We have Wan(n)Fried(en) in our name, because it means When peace and it is a modification of the name of the town our base is, in Wanfried, a small town in the middle of Germany, where we can use a former factory for our activities. Our telefon: 0049-5655-924981, mobil: 0171-9132149, email:
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