Category Archives: occupy Kenya

Here we publish news to bring up the occupy movement and create a Kenya with human rights for all as part of a global system with life in dignity for all!

Countries and cooperations and banks of Western world integrated Africa now for more then 500 years in a dicriminating way in the worldorder: first they took human beeings as slaves and brought them to America, then they organized their dictatorships over the african in Colonial time and today they dominate with militarinterventions, corrupting, killing of honest African leaders; and there were and are always some africans who are cooperating with them out of selfishness and selling their people, countries and ressources! Let us build a strong basicdemocratic movement, to build African states by the people for the people, to be able to use African ressources for African people and human rights for all Africans! Withour African ressources , the western world could not produces cars, machines, planes, coluld not enjoy cacao, coffee, tea – the econoy would collapse in short time!

Posted in occupy Africa, occupy America, occupy Congo by the Congolese for the Congolese, occupy democracy for the 99 percent, occupy economy, occupy environment, occupy equal rights for everybody, no discrimination anymore, occupy Europe, occupy freedom, occupy germany, Occupy global reform programs, occupy human rights for all worldwide, occupy Kenya, occupy media, Occupy Middle east and North Africa, occupy peace, occupy social rights for all, Occupy the world, occupy the worldorder, occupy-think-tank WannFrieden | Leave a comment